How does PowerHydrant work?
It’s all about Source Resistance!
High resistance can create very high temperatures, even at low voltages.
PowerHydrant is designed for ultra low resistance, exceeding 99.9% efficiency (25µΩ), enabling ultra high current capabilities, and mitigating any thermal problems.

Low Cost Augmented Reality and CCS2

A Solution to Priority Charging Multiple Parked EVs

Power Flow Diagrams

PowerHydrant Patents – Key US & PRC

Patent Claims Highlights:
- Methods and Apparatus of Integrated Computer Vision with Robotic EV mating and IOT Connectivity
- V1G and V2G Energy Flow in this Context
- Autonomous Sharing of EVSE Resources for Cost Reduction
- Very Low Cost Commodity CMOS Image Sensor Use for 3D Sensing in All Lighting Conditions
- Solid Body Alignment for Augmented Reality integration of EV Targets in Robot Control Software
- China Patent Issued PowerHydrant is a USPTO Registered Trademark
Other patent pending IP and patent licences also apply.